This eyelash enhancement treatment using Latisse will enhance the length, colour and thickness of your eyelashes.
This specific eyelash solution is the first drug to show such beneficial results.
It is a very safe, effective and reliable product that can be easily applied once a day, to achieve thicker, longer, darker and more luxurious eyelashes.
This eyelash enhancement treatment is only available in approved physicians’ offices. Dr. Nield is a specialist in cosmetic dermatology and she is more than qualified to suggest this fascinating new eyelash treatment for you. The solution can easily be applied once a day to your upper eyelids, close to your eyelashes.
Please feel free to contact us to learn more about this new product. Our staff would be happy to book an appointment with Dr. Nield to determine if eyelash enhancement is right for you.
It is a specialized, safe, and effective solution for people with hypotrichosis or sparse eyelashes. It can only be obtained from a select group of approved physicians such as Dr. Gail Nield.
When used on a regular basis, eyelashes become more luscious, noticeably longer, and thicker. The eyelash enhancer needs to be applied on a regular nightly basis, to maximize results.
Applying this eyelash enhancer solution can be as simple and routine as washing your face or brushing your teeth.
Eyelashes enhance the beauty of your eyes. For those with short, thin eyelashes, even mascara may not be enough to bring out one’s true beauty. This eyelash enhancer can safely transform eyelashes into luscious, darker, thicker, longer eyelashes.
The solution is supplied in a small bottle. A small drop can be placed onto a disposable brush and applied to the upper eyelid margin, just above the eyelashes. Application is similar to applying eyeliner. Most patients apply the solution on a nightly basis.
Active hair follicles have prostaglandin receptors, which seem to be involved in the growth of the hair follicles.
The eyelash enhancement solution, Latisse, is a structural prostaglandin analog known as Bimatoprost 0.03% solution. It is composed of a lipid derived from fatty acids which can bind to prostaglandin receptors. Although the precise mechanism is unknown, it is possible that once it binds to the prostaglandin receptors present in the eyelash hair follicles, the eyelashes are stimulated to grow faster, thicker, darker, and longer.
The eyelash enhancement solution may increase the number of eyelash hairs in the growing phase or anagen stage of hair growth. It also seems to prolong the duration that the eyelash hairs are in the growing, anagen phase of the hair cycle.
Eyelashes will become noticeably thicker, darker and longer as soon as 8 weeks after initiating treatment. Full effectiveness is usually seen at 16 weeks. Overall, almost 80% noticed significant results. In one study, eyelash enhancement was found to increase eyelash length by 25%, eyelash fullness/thickness by 100% and eyelash darkness/intensity by 18%.
This eyelash enhancement solution needs to be applied on a continuous basis to maintain the benefits. After three to four months of continuous application, results can usually be maintained with less frequent applications. Many patients, once they achieve the desired results, apply the solution only three times per week, with long lasting results.
The eyelash enhancement solution initially is to be used on a regular, nightly basis. It is best applied to a thoroughly washed and dried face. It can be applied in a similar manner as applying eye liner to the upper eyelids.
Individual sterile applicators are supplied with the eyelash enhancement solution, one applicator per eyelid. A small drop of the solution is applied to the tip of the applicator, which is then applied to the base of the upper eyelashes, from the inner part of the eyelid, to the outer eyelid.
It is easily applied in one sweeping motion, avoiding touching any of the solution onto the rest of the face. Any extra amount should be quickly wiped off the surrounding skin.
This product is a luxury item, such as speciality coffees, designer handbags, and jewellery. Initially, it will need to be applied nightly for at least 16 weeks. As noted above, most patients can then apply the solution much less frequently, while still maintaining the benefits of the product. We find that many patients only need to use two to three bottles per year. This is even more affordable than eyelash extensions!
The most common side effects after using the solution are eye redness and itchiness. This occurs in 4% of patients. Other possible, but infrequent side effects are upper eyelid skin darkening, eye irritation, or dry eyes. Most patients tolerate the solution without any problems.
The solution may cause darkening of the eyelid skin which may be reversible. It may also cause increased brown pigmentation of the iris, which is likely to be permanent. This will not happen if the solution does not get in the eyes, and even then, is a rare event. In fact, people with blue or green eyes will never experience this side effect as they do not have pigmentation in their irises to begin with!
If any solution gets into the eye, it is not expected to harm you. Remember, it is not an eye drop and is not intended to be applied into your eyes, but rather, to be applied onto your eyelids.
Hair growth may occur in other areas of your skin if the solution frequently touches that area without being blotted off. Using the solution carefully, will prevent this from happening. Try to apply the same amount of solution to each eyelid, to ensure equal eyelash growth.
The solution contains the preservative, benzalkonium chloride, which may be absorbed by soft contact lenses. Contact lenses should be removed prior to application of solution and may be reinserted 15 minutes following its administration. However, most individuals will apply the solution just prior to bedtime, so it can easily be applied to the eyelids once contacts have been removed.
It should be used with caution in patients receiving treatment for glaucoma. Check with your ophthalmologist if you have glaucoma and you wish to use this product.
If you have had laser eye surgery, can you use the Eyelash Enhancement Solution? Patients, who have had laser eye surgery to correct their vision, are usually able to use it.
There is the potential for hair growth to occur in areas where the solution comes in repeated contact with the skin surface. It is important to apply the solution only to the skin of the upper eyelid margin at the base of the eyelashes using the accompanying sterile applicators, and to carefully blot any excess solution from the eyelid margin to avoid it running onto the cheek or other skin areas. Many women are also applying this solution to their thinning eyebrows with wonderful results.
This solution was originally intented for a medical condition known as hypotrichosis. Patients with hypotrichosis have thin, sparse, or short eyelashes. The solution can be useful for patients whose
eyelashes are thin, short, and brittle for any number of reasons. Eyelashes can be transformed over a few months into healthy, thick, luscious, long lashes.
The Eyelash enhancement solution will give you the freedom to do without mascara or false eyelashes.
Once you stop using it, your eyelashes will return to their original appearance over several weeks to months.
Oftentimes, volumizing mascaras can clump, and the small fibers that are added to thicken and extend the lashes can get into one’s eyes, causing irritation. Regular mascaras are less likely to cause such problems. Once your eyelashes are naturally lengthened and thickened with this product, you are able to further enhance your eyes, if you wish, with traditional mess proof mascaras.
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