For over a decade, I have been giving dermatology lectures remotely from my office in Woodbridge, Ontario to medical students and staff in Haiti. I truly enjoy being a guest lecturer for the Haitian Medical Education Project. I always enjoy sharing information with my Haitian colleagues. My most recent lecture...
Long Distance Volunteer Teaching for Haiti
Earlier this month, Dr. Nield delivered a dermatology lecture to Haiti. This was on behalf of the Haiti Medical Education Project. In attendance were Haitian health care workers and medical students. They were from St. Justinien Hospital in Cap Haitian and the General Hospital in Port -au-Prince. Dr Nield discussed...
Tanzania 2021
Here’s to long distance learning! One year ago, I attended the (RDTC) Regional Dermatology Training Centre CME conference in Moshi, Tanzania. I had an incredible time, sharing knowledge with my African colleagues. This week was the 26th RDTC virtual conference. I was able to attend, without leaving home. Although, due...
Tanzania 2020
This January, I travelled to Moshi,Tanzania to attend 3 incredible dermatology meetings. I took part in the 6th African Dermatopathology Conference, the 25th Regional Dermatology Training Centre International CME conference and the Tropical Dermatology in Tanzania conference. I was able to meet dermatologists from across Africa, Europe and even a...
Kenya 2019
This summer, I joined a medical team to do some dermatology training at Baraka Hospital in Narok, Kenya. I volunteered through “Me to We”, and this project was called “We Medical Trips Dermatology program”. I was last in Kenya in 2012 and it was wonderful to return to see the ongoing improvements....
Haiti 2018
I had a very successful trip to Haiti this summer, spending over 2 weeks volunteering at Hôpital Bon Samaritain (HBS) in Limbé, Haiti. I spent my days seeing patients in the out -patient clinic of the hospital. I worked with the Haitian physicians, including 5 young Haitian doctors who had...
Haiti 2017
I had a very successful 2 weeks volunteering in Haiti this summer. The photo below was taken flying into Cap Haitien. The highlight of my trip was being picked up in the truck that I helped the hospital acquire this year, by starting a fundraising campaign . “My sincere thanks...
Haiti 2016
This summer, I spent 2 weeks volunteering at the Hôpital Bon Samaritain in Limbé, Haiti. I usually ship ahead boxes of supplies to Haiti, prior to my visit, and I also carry 2 heavily laden suitcases with me. As usual, I flew into Cap Haïtien, the largest northern city in Haiti. A...
Haiti 2015
During my 3 weeks in Haiti this summer, I had a few projects that I wished to work on, as well as seeing patients in the clinics and wards and teaching. My First Project: 1: Introducing a new lab test to the staff at Hopital Bon Samaritain (HBS) in Limbe, Haiti Many...
Haiti 2013
Dr. Nield travelled to Haiti in May, 2013.Once again, she was able to bring an abundance of much needed medicines and supplies to Hopital Bon Samaritain, in Limbe, Haiti. She volunteered primarily in the out- patient department of the hospital, diagnosing and treating many patients with skin conditions commonly seen...